Customer Complaints Procedure

AAA Motorcycles is dedicated to delivering products and services of the highest quality. However, we understand that sometimes issues may arise. If you have a concern or are dissatisfied, we are committed to resolving the matter fairly and transparently. We will investigate all complaints thoroughly and impartially, gathering any necessary information. Each complaint will be assessed consistently and promptly, considering all relevant factors to ensure a fair and satisfactory outcome for you.

Step 1

Discussion With Your AAA Centre

If you have any concerns regarding your vehicle or the service you’ve received at AAA Motorcycles , please start by addressing them with the Service Manager or Head of Business at the dealership. They are in the best position to assist you.

Find Our Details Here

Step 2

Contacting Us

If you're still dissatisfied with the response from your AAA Motorcycles centre, please get in touch with us using your preferred contact method from the options below.

AAA Motorcycles Customer Services

Our hours of operation are:
Mon – Fri: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Sat: 9:00am – 5:00pm

What You Will Need to Provide
To assist us in investigating and resolving your complaint, please provide the following details:

  • Your name and address
  • Contact information
  • A clear description of your complaint
  • What you would like us to do to resolve the issue
  • If applicable, any relevant supporting documents
See Our FAQs

Our Commitment to You

We will conduct a thorough investigation into your complaint and provide a fair response, considering all available information.

We aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, and if it can be resolved by the end of the third business day, we will send a Summary Resolution Letter. If your complaint involves our credit broking services and cannot be resolved within this timeframe, we will:

In some cases, we may need to contact your AAA Motorcycles centre for additional information. If necessary, we may refer the complaint to them for further investigation or action.

While we may not always provide the outcome you desire, we will ensure we offer a clear and thorough explanation of our decision.

See Our Terms of Service

Motorcycle Industry Association (MCIA)

The MCIA is the trade body for motorcycle manufacturers and importers and companies wholesaling associated products and services. The Code also provides an independent escalation process, through an impartial Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) approved Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider, in the unlikely event that a problem occurs and you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint. The MCIA’s details are:

1 Rye Hill Office Park
Birmingham Road
Telephone: 024 76 408 000